Hy2gen has joined the cluster
Hy2gen develops large-scale projects to produce green hydrogen and green hydrogen derivates to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors. We are happy to announce that they have joined the cluster!
Fortescue with large investment in Norwegian Hydrogen
The investment will see Fortescue acquire a 12.5 percent ownership interest in Norwegian Hydrogen, becoming the third largest shareholder.
Yara and Navigator Holdings Ltd. invests in Azane Fuel Solutions to realize world’s first ammonia bunkering solution
Yara Growth Ventures and Navigator Holdings Ltd. lead investment round of 5.4 million EUR (around 5.7 million USD) in Azane Fuel Solutions AS ammonia bunkering startup, to commence construction of the first of 15 bunkering units.
Cluster catch-up: Hydrogenious LOHC Maritime
“To succeed with the green shift, there needs to a sustainable plan to secure long term availability for all the alternatives fuel for ship owners to understand how to best invest in future fuels solutions”.
HTwo-Fuel has joined the cluster
HTwo-Fuel plans to establish hydrogen production, strategically located in the shipping lane between the major ports of Bergen and Florø. We are glad to announce that they have joined the cluster.
Kva skal til for å lukkast med den maritime energiomstillinga?
Visste du at global maritim transport står for 3% av de globale CO2 utsleppa i verda?
Aker Horizons and Statkraft join forces to develop large-scale green ammonia project in Narvik
Statkraft, Europe's largest producer of renewable energy, has joined Aker Horizons as a partner on the large-scale green hydrogen and ammonia project in Narvik, Norway.
Viridis Bulk Carriers receives 152 million
The financial support to Viridis Bulk Carriers is part of a 709 million NOK package from the Norwegian government agency Enova.
Brenner du for kommunikasjon – og ønsker å gjøre en forskjell?
Vi er på jakt etter en knakende dyktig kommunikasjonsansvarlig! Sammen med dyktige kollegaer og 130 bedrifter skal du bidra til at skipsfarten blir mer miljøvennlig. Søknadsfrist 8. oktober.
Cluster catch-up: HYEX Safety
“Safety must be an integral part of the design phase from the beginning”
TECO 2030 sign supply agreement to realize ammonia powered deep-sea shipping
TECO 2030 and Pherousa Green Shipping AS sign green package supply agreement for up to six modern, zero-emission Ultramax dry bulk carriers of about 63.000 deadweight tons each. Each vessel will be equipped with 12 megawatts (MW) of TECO 2030 fuel cells for main propulsion onboard.
1,3 million to retrofit project
Vestland County Council grants 1,3 million NOK to Ocean Hyway Cluster’s retrofit project.
4 reasons why you should attend
The Maritime Hydrogen Conference is approaching and will be arranged in Florø 1 – 2. November 2023. With leading hydrogen players gathering to share their knowledge and experience, here are 4 reasons why you should join the conference.
Key highlights from new funding scheme
Enova held a webinar on the upcoming support program for hydrogen and ammonia powered vessels. We have summarized the key highlights of the new funding scheme.
Expanding the technical team
Ocean Hyway Cluster welcomes Celine Solstad and Marte Waage Haga as Technical Advisors. Together with Jørgen Rønholt, they will form our strengthened technical team.
Delegation trip to Germany
On 4th – 7th September, Ocean Hyway Cluster and COO Stein Kvalsund are joining the Nordic Countries Business Delegation to Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony in the fields of Green Hydrogen and Smart Energy.
Cluster Catch-up: Hexagon Purus Maritime
“For Hexagon Purus Maritime, we would like to see the industry move from small and few pilot projects to larger commercial vessels with fully integrated fuel systems on board.”
- The industry is ready
Arendalsuka, the largest political gathering in Norway, was the place to be this week. With over 2000 events, this year´s gathering was set to break records. Energy, sustainability, and transition were on everybody’s lips, and hydrogen and ammonia play a big and important part in this discussion.
Enova ønsker innspill: Støtteordninger for hydrogen og ammoniakk i fartøy
Enova planlegger nye støtteprogrammer for "Hydrogen i fartøy" og "Ammoniakk i fartøy". Nå ønsker de dine innspill!
Gen2 Energy and Provaris join forces to develop a large scale European hydrogen supply chain.
The joint initiative between Gen2 Energy and Provaris Energy Ltd aims to conduct a comprehensive prefeasibility study to determine the technical and economic viability of producing and supplying compressed green hydrogen from the hydrogen project in Åfjord to European ports using Provaris’ marine storage and shipping solution.