Green ammonia plant opens in Norway in 2026
Skipavika in Western Norway will be home to SkiGA AS’ brand new factory costing 4 billion NOK. The full-scale plant for emission-free ammonia production is scheduled to open in 2026.
Nyskapande energiløysing for framtidas reisemål
Ein ny rapport viser at det kan kuttast store mengder CO2-utslepp frå norske reiselivsdestinasjonar årleg.
New addition to our board
We are happy to announce that Veronica Charlotte Haugan from TECO 2030 is joining our board!
HAV Hydrogen obtains AiP for containerized H2 system for ships
HAV Hydrogen today unveils details of the system that has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from DNV. The AiP is an important milestone for HAV Hydrogen in bringing the new Zero Emission Pod system onto the market and engaging with customers on the first commercial installations of the system.
International ambitions combined with a strong desire for Norway to lead the way
“We are concerned that if the Norwegian framework conditions don’t improve drastically and very soon, others may also take the lead on the maritime side”
- Are we ready to scale up maritime hydrogen?
Investors have bet on hydrogen as a green, maritime energy carrier for years. Millions of euros in funding and thousands of work hours later, how far have we come? Is it time to replace the green incentive with a stick? This year’s Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Conference will bring key actors to the stage, asking them to answer the question we are all wondering.
World’s first liquid hydrogen autonomous vessel wins multi-million funding
The world’s first maritime autonomous surface ship powered by liquid hydrogen wins £3.8m of funding.
Se EU ETS webinaret i reprise
Maritime sector will from 2024 be included in the EU ETS, what does that entail? Ocean Hyway Cluster and Greenfact hosted a webinar on the topic, and the recording is now publicly available.
Norge sakker akterut
Akkurat nå er det et kappløp om å etablere fremtidens grønne hydrogenindustri og Norge risikerer å falle av lasset, skriver Kristin Svardal og Ingebjørg Telnes Wilhelmsen i dette leserinnlegget.
5 companies join forces to supply hydrogen cruise ship
A multidisciplinary collaboration will develop a complete hydrogen value chain for Northern Xplorer’s cruise ship.
H2Carrier has joined the cluster
H2Carrier is the designer and owner of the proprietary floating energy production and storage system P2XFloater™. Ocean Hyway Cluster is happy to announce that they have joined the cluster.
The first delivery of GHS HyProvide™ A90 electrolyser in Norway
It was a new milestone when the first delivery of GHS HyProvide™ A90 electrolyser was delivered to Stord Hydrogen last week.
Sirius has joined the cluster
We are happy to announce that Sirius Design & Integration, an independent ship designer and system integrator, has joined the cluster.
A helping hand to the hydrogen value chain
Having trouble financing your hydrogen-related project? A bank founded by the five Nordic countries might be the solution you have been looking for.
Cluster Catch-Up: SINTEF Ocean
“The Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre represents our biggest opportunity going forward.” - Anders Valland.
Provaris join forces with Norwegian Hydrogen to rePower the EU
Provaris Energy Ltd is pleased to announce it has executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Norwegian Hydrogen AS, a Norwegian-based developer of hydrogen production hubs and value chains across the Nordic region, to collaborate on the development on green hydrogen value chain projects in the Nordics.
Gen2 Energy and SEFE Group sign an agreement for the potential supply of green hydrogen
Gen2 Energy AS and SEFE Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to pursue an offtake agreement for compressed green hydrogen
Equinor and German RWE to cooperate on large-scale hydrogen value chain
Equinor and German energy major RWE have agreed to work together to develop large-scale value chains for low carbon hydrogen.
10 Biggest News Stories
Did you miss the most popular news stories from the Ocean Hyway Cluster in 2022? Here you get a second chance.
Early Holiday present to TechnipFMC
TechnipFMC receives NOK 76 million in funding from Green Platform, to develop a secure and robust system for underwater storage of compressed hydrogen. This will contribute to the development of a competitive Norwegian value chain of suppliers capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly growing international hydrogen market.