Viridis Bulk Carriers receives 152 million
The financial support to Viridis Bulk Carriers is part of a 709 million NOK package from the Norwegian government agency Enova.
1,3 million to retrofit project
Vestland County Council grants 1,3 million NOK to Ocean Hyway Cluster’s retrofit project.
Key highlights from new funding scheme
Enova held a webinar on the upcoming support program for hydrogen and ammonia powered vessels. We have summarized the key highlights of the new funding scheme.
Enova ønsker innspill: Støtteordninger for hydrogen og ammoniakk i fartøy
Enova planlegger nye støtteprogrammer for "Hydrogen i fartøy" og "Ammoniakk i fartøy". Nå ønsker de dine innspill!
Aker Horizons awarded 135 million NOK
Aker Horizons awarded up to NOK 135 million in financing for Rjukan green hydrogen project.
Innovation Norway funds Alma's zero-emission vessel technology
Innovation Norway has awarded Alma Clean Power in Bergen up to 49 million NOK in funding for a project aiming to develop environmental technology that will enable zero-emission ocean-going vessels.
World’s first liquid hydrogen autonomous vessel wins multi-million funding
The world’s first maritime autonomous surface ship powered by liquid hydrogen wins £3.8m of funding.
Two hydrogen ships receive NOK 142 million in Enova support
The company Halten Bulk AS receives NOK 142 million in support from Enova for the construction of two hydrogen ships designed by cluster member The Norwegian Ship Design Company. The vessels will operate along the entire Norwegian coast and will bunker hydrogen from the five new production facilities to be built by 2025.
Receives £5 million in Horizon Europe support for tanker retrofit project
TECO 2030, Shell and partners to receive EUR 5 million in Horizon Europe support for 2.4 MW TECO 2030 PEM Fuel Cell system for tanker retrofit project
Grønn plattform satsinga videreførast i 2022!
Grønn plattform er ei satsing som gir støtte til forskings- og innovasjonsdrevet grøn omstilling i næringslivet. Regjeringa øyremerker inntil 750 millionar til denne typen 3-årige grøne samarbeidsprosjekt.
Enova styrker satsingen på ny teknologi i maritim sektor
Enova lanserer forprosjektstøtte til energi- og klimateknologi i maritim transport. Programmet vil etter planen bli lansert i løpet av mars/april 2022.
Enova grants more than 1 billion NOK to three industrial projects. Hydrogen is the climate solution in all three projects
The companies behind the projects receiving the grants from Enova are Yara Norge AS, Tizir Titanium & Iron AS and Horisont Energi AS.
Horizon Europe - funding programme for research and innovation
Does your company work for sustainable change and economic growth? Do you want to collaborate with the most knowledgeable organizations in Europe? Or are you on the lookout for funding to commercialize and scale ground-breaking and profitable solutions with international market potential?
Forprosjektstøtte hydrogen til maritim transport
Sitter du med eit forprosjekt som kan bidra til hydrogenproduksjon i Norge? Enova tilbyr no støtte til utredning av prosjekter som skal produsere hydrogen fra fornybar kraft til bruk innan maritim transport.
IPCEI Hydrogen
Har de eit innovativt hydrogenprosjekt? Meld din interesse for å bli eit IPCEI-prosjekt!